2023/2024 Stacjonarne Studia podyplomowe Wydział Zarządzania


Thematic scope

Executive Master of Business Administration program is designed to impart advanced knowledge and bolster expertise in the areas of management and economics, accounting and finance, marketing, and psychology of management, as well as production management, data, models, and decision-making. As a participants in this esteemed program, offered at AGH University of Science and Technology - a premier institution in the field of technical education - postgraduate students will benefit from a world-class education imparted by a team of esteemed tutors who are at the forefront of their respective fields. The primary goal of the program is to equip participants with the intellectual acumen, technical competencies, and professional confidence required to excel in today's fast-paced, technology-driven business environment. Through a curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking, ethical conduct, and visionary leadership, we strive to inspire our students to make meaningful contributions in their chosen fields.

Who are postgraduate studies aimed at?

Executive Master of Business Administration program is specifically crafted for mid-career managers and executives seeking to enhance their skills and advance their careers in the ever-evolving landscape of technology. With a focus on providing a world-class education in a streamlined, yet comprehensive format, this program is ideal for executives seeking to stay ahead of the curve in today's rapidly changing business environment.

Head of postgraduate studies

Dr Murat Çolak, prof. AGH

Organizer of postgraduate studies

Faculty of Management

Contact person

Mgr Agnieszka Pohl


View full description of the postgraduate studies

Зимовий сместр, 2023/2024

Предмет Кількість годин Бали ECTS Форма перевірки
Global Economy and Economics of Innovation
Лекція: 6
Семінар: 6
Тренінги: 12
6 Залік O
Finance and Financial Accounting
Лекція: 6
Семінар: 6
Тренінги: 12
6 Залік O
International Marketing
Лекція: 6
Семінар: 6
Тренінги: 12
6 Залік O
Psychology of management
Семінар: 12
Тренінги: 12
5 Залік O
Data, Models, and Decisions
Лекція: 12
Проектні заняття: 12
6 Залік O

Літній семестр, 2023/2024

Предмет Кількість годин Бали ECTS Форма перевірки
Operational Management
Лекція: 12
Проектні заняття: 12
6 Залік O
Human Resource Management
Лекція: 6
Семінар: 6
Тренінги: 12
6 Залік O
Strategic Leadership
Лекція: 6
Семінар: 6
Тренінги: 12
6 Залік O
Optimizing Business Decisions
Лекція: 6
Проектні заняття: 12
Семінар: 6
7 Залік O
Sustainable Business Models and Corporate Governance
Лекція: 6
Семінар: 6
Тренінги: 12
6 Залік O