2023/2024 Stacjonarne Studia magisterskie inżynierskie II stopnia


Modern Materials Design and Application (MMDA) master’s degree program is an educational offer dedicated to graduate students with general background in materials science including materials physics, chemistry, and engineering. The coursework program of MMDA allows students to grow adept in the knowledge and skills of advanced materials and processing technologies. The programme encompasses lecture, seminar, project, and laboratory classes focused on the designing processes and materials, application of modern synthesis and processing techniques including plastic working, heat treatment, powder metallurgy and other advanced technologies featured for modern materials science. Courses and activities are aimed into better understanding structure-property-performance-application relationship and to give students an expertise in evaluating, designing, improving and fabrication of unique materials based on non-ferrous metals and alloys. Curriculum of MMDA introduces also courses allowing students to develop communication and presentation skills, entrepreneurial initiatives, teamwork, and leadership skills as well as socio-economic competencies.

Mentor of the field of study: dr hab. inż. Anna Kula, prof. AGH

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Study programme determined by Resolution No. 41/2022 of the AGH UST Senate of 30 March 2022

Літній семестр, 2023/2024

First semester allows for students to acquire fundamental and advanced knowledge in the field of materials science and engineering of non-ferrous metals, alloys, and composites. In-depth knowledge on materials characterization and process automation is available for students within the framework of elective courses.

Предмет Кількість годин Бали ECTS Форма перевірки
Innovative sintered materials and composites
Лекція: 30
Лабораторні заняття: 30
Семінарські заняття: 15
5 Іспит O
Product Quality Management
Лекція: 30
Проектні заняття: 30
4 Іспит O
Advances in non-ferrous metals science
Лекція: 30
Семінар: 15
Семінарські заняття: 30
5 Іспит O
Fundamentals on non-ferrous metals engineering
Лекція: 30
Лабораторні заняття: 15
Проектні заняття: 30
5 Іспит O
I Elective courses - Characterization of materials and process automation, semester I
Сума аудиторних годин: 90
6 Залік O
II Elective courses - subjects in the areas of humanities and social sciences (second-cycle studies)
Сума аудиторних годин: 75
5 Залік O

Зимовий сместр, 2024/2025

Second semester allows for students to acquire knowledge about the processing and technology innovations as well as modern materials for the medical, automotive, aerospace and energy applications.

Предмет Кількість годин Бали ECTS Форма перевірки
Light metals and alloys
Лекція: 30
Лабораторні заняття: 15
Семінарські заняття: 30
5 Іспит O
High pressures in material technologies
Лекція: 30
Семінарські заняття: 30
4 Іспит O
Modern methods for the separation and purification of metals
Лекція: 30
Лабораторні заняття: 15
Проектні заняття: 30
5 Іспит O
Modern processing of non-ferrous metals
Лекція: 30
Лабораторні заняття: 15
Проектні заняття: 15
4 Іспит O
Modern techniques for metal analysis
Лекція: 15
Лабораторні заняття: 30
Проектні заняття: 15
4 Іспит O
III Elective courses - Materials and processing innovations, semester II
Сума аудиторних годин: 90
6 Залік O
IV Elective courses - Technical Foreign Language (level B2+), semester II
Лекторат: 30
2 Іспит O

Літній семестр, 2024/2025

Third semester provides to students with the knowledge related to functional and structural materials including nanomaterials, advanced composites, materials inspired by nature and surface coatings. Students are also involved in the research work leading to master thesis and diploma.

Предмет Кількість годин Бали ECTS Форма перевірки
Diploma Thesis
Дипломна робота: 0
20 Залік O
Diploma Seminar
Семінарські заняття: 30
2 Залік O
V Elective courses - Advanced functional materials, semester III
Сума аудиторних годин: 120
8 Залік O