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2023/2024 Stacjonarne Studia magisterskie inżynierskie II stopnia Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Robotyki

Mechatronic Engineering with English as instruction language

Education at Mechatronic Design speciality is oriented on solving problems of various scope and complexity level, individually or in teams in the course of project or lab classes with the use of knowledge based methods.
The students are taught with the aim of gaining: knowledge concerning design of integrated systems composed of cooperating mechanical, electronic, control and software components, skill of application of computer aided engineering tools to design and testing of mechatronic systems with the use of virtual and rapid prototyping techniques, ability of working in multidisciplinary teams as well as awareness of need for continuous perfecting of professional qualifications.
The speciality’s graduates are being employed as designers and integrators of mechatronic systems, maintenance engineers or they become individual entrepreneurs.
Typical employers of the graduates are companies offering engineering services, design units, factories as well as research and development institutions.
The graduates may continue education at the Mechanical Engineering based 3rd cycle or postgraduate study in Poland or abroad.

Mentor of the field of study: dr hab. inż. Wojciech Lisowski, prof. AGH

View full description of the field of study (Mechatronic Design)

Study programme determined by Resolution No. 112/2019 of the AGH UST Senate of 26 June 2019, changed by Resolution No. 23/2022 of the AGH UST Senate of 2 March 2022

Mechatronic Design

Summer semester, 2023/2024

Mechatronic Design

Winter semester, 2024/2025

Mechatronic Design

Summer semester, 2024/2025