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2024/2025 Stacjonarne Prowadzone w językach obcych Generic subjects

Innovation courses

Course Number of hours ECTS credits Form of verification
Budynki inteligentne - innowacyjne rozwiązania energooszczędne
Lectures: 30
Auditorium classes: 15
Project classes: 15
5 Completing the classes W
Wastewater-based epidemiology
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Inżynieria odwrotna – technologie dla przemysłu 4.0
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 15
2 Completing the classes W
Building materials of the Future
Lectures: 30
Laboratory classes: 15
4 Completing the classes W
Superconducting nanostructures in science and technology
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
From idea to success
Lectures: 30
Laboratory classes: 10
Project classes: 20
5 Completing the classes W
Special techniques for high performance products
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Technologie kosmiczne i komercjalizacja przestrzeni kosmicznej
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Introduction to lab-on-a-chip and organ-on-a-chip technologies
Lectures: 30
Project classes: 15
4 Completing the classes W
Zastosowanie Bezzałogowych Statków Latających w rozwiązywaniu zagadnień inżynierskich
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 30
4 Completing the classes W
Toward green future - biofuels, bioplastics, biochemicals
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Eyetracking, AI and EEG in neuroresearch
Lectures: 10
Laboratory classes: 20
3 Completing the classes W
VR in anthropotechnic systems
Workshop classes: 30
3 Completing the classes W

Course Number of hours ECTS credits Form of verification
Elastic Applications in Virtual Reality
Lectures: 10
Laboratory classes: 30
Project classes: 20
5 Completing the classes W
Innovative presentation of investment projects
Laboratory classes: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Cosmetics inspired by nature
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 15
Project classes: 15
4 Completing the classes W
Micro and nanorobots
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Modern technologies inspired by Nature
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 15
4 Completing the classes W
Closed-loop recycling of materials from the key energy and electronics sectors
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 15
Project classes: 15
4 Completing the classes W
Prototypowanie z wykorzystaniem metod przyrostowych
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 15
2 Completing the classes W
Social robotics
Laboratory classes: 30
3 Completing the classes W
The world in "nano" scale: nanomaterials, nanocomposites and nanotechnologies
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
Project classes: 15
4 Completing the classes W
Renewable and low-carbon gas technologies
Lectures: 15
Project classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W