Course | Number of hours | ECTS credits | Form of verification | Mandatoriness |
Lectures: 30 Auditorium classes: 15 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 30 Laboratory classes: 15 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Seminars: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Laboratory classes: 15 Project classes: 15 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 |
1 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 30 Project classes: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Blok modułów wybierany jest wraz z wyborem specjalności. | ||||
Lectures: 30 Project classes: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory |
Sum | 390 | 30 |
Major Environmental Engineering and Monitoring
2021/2022, Second-cycle (engineer) programme, Full-time studies
W programie studiów II stopnia na kierunku Inżynieria i Monitoring Środowiska zostały uwzględnione potrzeby społeczno-gospodarcze związane z przygotowaniem kadr do realizacji zadań organizacyjnych, projektowych i kontrolnych w obszarze szeroko rozumianej inżynierii środowiska i monitoringu środowiska. Prawidłowa realizacja tego typu działań jest kluczowa dla zrównoważonego rozwoju społeczeństwa i otoczenia gospodarczego. Oferowane na tym kierunku są cztery specjalności: Inżynieria Komunalna (IK), Inżynieria wodna (IW), Gospodarka niskoemisyjna (GN) oraz Systemy Informacji o Środowisku (SIŚ), z których trzy pierwsze (IK, IW i GN) są związane bardziej z problematyką klasycznej inżynierii środowiska, a czwarta (SIŚ) – bardziej z problematyką monitoringu środowiska. Ich utworzenie wychodziło na przeciw obserwowanym potrzebom otoczenia społeczno-gospodarczego i rynku pracy oraz zgłaszanym postulatom studentów. Obszar zatrudnienia absolwentów obejmuje urzędy administracji państwowej i samorządowej, w tym wojewódzkie inspektoraty ochrony środowiska, zakłady przemysłowe, biura projektowe oraz inne przedsiębiorstwa oferujące usługi i technologie z zakresu inżynierii i monitoringu środowiska, w tym z zakresu ochrony środowiska, zaopatrzenia w wodę i usuwania ścieków, gospodarki odpadami oraz rekultywacji gleb i terenów bezglebowych, jak również inne firmy konsultingowe i usługowe lub organizacje pozarządowe.
Opiekun kierunku: dr inż. Robert Oleniacz
Zobacz pełny opis kierunku (Systemy informacji o środowisku)
Zobacz pełny opis kierunku (Inżynieria komunalna)
Zobacz pełny opis kierunku (Gospodarka niskoemisyjna)
Zobacz pełny opis kierunku (Inżynieria wodna)
Program ustalony Uchwałą Senatu nr 79/2019 z dnia 29 maja 2019 r.
Course | Number of hours | ECTS credits | Form of verification | Mandatoriness |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 30 Auditorium classes: 15 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Seminars: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Laboratory classes: 15 Project classes: 15 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 30 Laboratory classes: 15 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 |
1 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 30 Project classes: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Blok modułów wybierany jest wraz z wyborem specjalności. | ||||
Lectures: 30 Project classes: 30 |
5 | Exam | Elective |
Sum | 390 | 30 |
Course | Number of hours | ECTS credits | Form of verification | Mandatoriness |
Lectures: 30 Auditorium classes: 15 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Laboratory classes: 15 Project classes: 15 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 |
1 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Seminars: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 30 Laboratory classes: 15 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 30 Project classes: 45 |
6 | Exam | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Blok modułów wybierany jest wraz z wyborem specjalności. | ||||
Lectures: 30 Project classes: 45 |
6 | Exam | Elective |
Sum | 405 | 31 |
Course | Number of hours | ECTS credits | Form of verification | Mandatoriness |
Lectures: 30 Auditorium classes: 15 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 30 Laboratory classes: 15 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Seminars: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Laboratory classes: 15 Project classes: 15 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 |
1 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 45 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Blok modułów wybierany jest wraz z wyborem specjalności. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 45 |
5 | Exam | Elective |
Sum | 390 | 30 |
Course | Number of hours | ECTS credits | Form of verification | Mandatoriness |
Lectures: 30 Project classes: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 120 Laboratory classes: 30 Project classes: 150 |
23 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Blok modułów wybierany jest wraz z wyborem specjalności. | ||||
Lectures: 30 Laboratory classes: 15 Project classes: 30 |
6 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 30 Laboratory classes: 15 Project classes: 30 |
6 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać jeden z poniższych kursów specjalistycznych. | ||||
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Sum | 390 | 30 |
Course | Number of hours | ECTS credits | Form of verification | Mandatoriness |
Lectures: 30 Project classes: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 105 Laboratory classes: 23 Project classes: 166 |
23 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Blok modułów wybierany jest wraz z wyborem specjalności. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 30 Laboratory classes: 23 Project classes: 22 |
6 | Exam | Obligatory |
Project classes: 30 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 30 Project classes: 24 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać jeden z poniższych kursów specjalistycznych. | ||||
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Sum | 384 | 30 |
Course | Number of hours | ECTS credits | Form of verification | Mandatoriness |
Lectures: 30 Project classes: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 120 Laboratory classes: 15 Project classes: 150 |
22 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Blok modułów wybierany jest wraz z wyborem specjalności. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
4 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 30 Laboratory classes: 15 Project classes: 30 |
6 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać jeden z poniższych kursów specjalistycznych. | ||||
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Sum | 375 | 29 |
Course | Number of hours | ECTS credits | Form of verification | Mandatoriness |
Lectures: 30 Project classes: 30 |
5 | Exam | Obligatory |
Lectures: 120 Laboratory classes: 30 Project classes: 150 |
23 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Blok modułów wybierany jest wraz z wyborem specjalności. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
4 | Exam | Elective |
Lectures: 30 Laboratory classes: 15 Project classes: 15 |
5 | Exam | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Laboratory classes: 15 Project classes: 15 |
4 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać jeden z poniższych kursów specjalistycznych. | ||||
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Foreign language classes: 30 |
2 | Exam | Elective |
Sum | 390 | 30 |
Course | Number of hours | ECTS credits | Form of verification | Mandatoriness |
Diploma Thesis: 0 |
20 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Seminars: 15 |
1 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Seminars: 15 |
1 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać jeden moduł z poniższej listy. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać jeden moduł z poniższej listy. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać co najmniej jeden moduł z poniższej listy. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Sum | 150 | 30 |
Course | Number of hours | ECTS credits | Form of verification | Mandatoriness |
Seminars: 15 |
1 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Seminars: 15 |
1 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Diploma Thesis: 0 |
20 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać jeden moduł z poniższej listy. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Total number of contact hours: 45 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać jeden moduł z poniższej listy. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Laboratory classes: 15 Project classes: 15 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać co najmniej jeden moduł z poniższej listy. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Sum | 150 | 30 |
Course | Number of hours | ECTS credits | Form of verification | Mandatoriness |
Diploma Thesis: 0 |
20 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Seminars: 15 |
1 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Seminars: 15 |
1 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać jeden moduł z poniższej listy. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać jeden moduł z poniższej listy. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać co najmniej jeden moduł z poniższej listy. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Sum | 150 | 30 |
Course | Number of hours | ECTS credits | Form of verification | Mandatoriness |
Seminars: 15 |
1 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Seminars: 15 |
1 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Diploma Thesis: 0 |
20 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać jeden moduł z poniższej listy. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać jeden moduł z poniższej listy. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 30 |
3 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Obligatory |
Zasady wyboru: Należy wybrać co najmniej jeden moduł z poniższej listy. | ||||
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Lectures: 15 Project classes: 15 |
2 | Completing the classes | Elective |
Sum | 150 | 30 |