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2023/2024 Stacjonarne Studia magisterskie inżynierskie II stopnia Environmental engineering, mining and energy

Nuclear Energy

Graduate (Master of Engineering) studies in field of Nuclear Energy ensure thorough preparation in the fields of technologies used to produce nuclear energy. The course’s contents enable deep understanding of phenomena occurring in nuclear reactors and nuclear reactor technologies. Other important topics within the course being nuclear safety and radiation protection, nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear regulations. During the studies self-reliant problem solving skills will be emphasised. Due to wide range of elective courses student will be able to determine which aspects of nuclear technologies they want to study in more detail.

Nuclear energy is a perspective course that covers the needs of an emerging labour market resulting from introduction of nuclear power in Poland as stable, low-carbon energy source that is necessary for decarbonisation of the economy and climate change mitigation, as well as for energy security.

The graduates will be prepared to start their careers in nuclear sector, from operators of nuclear power plants at all stages, from the preparatory works to the construction and operations of a nuclear power plant, to suppliers of nuclear technologies, equipment and materials. The graduates will be also sought by nuclear regulatory institutions and research and development sector.

Summer semester, 2023/2024

Course Number of hours ECTS credits Form of verification
Economics of  Nuclear Energy
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
Project classes: 10
3 Completing the classes O
Reactor physics
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 30
4 Exam O
Nuclear Measurement Methods
Lectures: 12
Laboratory classes: 15
2 Completing the classes O
Radiological protection and dosimetry
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 10
Laboratory classes: 10
3 Exam O
Fundamentals of nuclear energy
Lectures: 30
Auditorium classes: 30
4 Completing the classes O
Atomic Law
Lectures: 12
2 Completing the classes O
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 30
3 Completing the classes O
Technology and operations of nuclear reactors
Lectures: 30
Project classes: 15
4 Completing the classes O
Termohydraulika reaktorów jądrowych I
Lectures: 20
Auditorium classes: 30
Laboratory classes: 10
Discussion seminars: 10
5 Exam O

Winter semester, 2024/2025

Course Number of hours ECTS credits Form of verification
Numerical methods of physics of nuclear reactors
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 30
Project classes: 15
3 Exam O
Termohydraulika reaktorów jądrowych II
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 15
Project classes: 30
4 Exam O
Elective subjects
Total number of contact hours: 210
21 Completing the classes O
Foreign language B2+
Foreign language classes: 30
2 Exam O

Summer semester, 2024/2025

Course Number of hours ECTS credits Form of verification
Diploma Thesis
Diploma Thesis: 0
20 Completing the classes O
Diploma Seminar
Seminars: 50
4 Completing the classes O
Elective subjects
Total number of contact hours: 90
6 Completing the classes O