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2019/2020 Stacjonarne Studia magisterskie II stopnia Material Engineering

Materials Science

Winter semester, 2019/2020

Course Number of hours ECTS credits Form of verification
Propedeutyka nauk materiałowych
Lectures: 10
1 Completing the classes O
Graphics engineering
Lectures: 15
Project classes: 30
3 Completing the classes O
Engineer study
Control and transitional thesis: 0
10 Completing the classes O
Seminarium inżynierskie
Seminars: 15
1 Completing the classes O
Materials research methods
Lectures: 30
Laboratory classes: 30
3 Completing the classes O
Quality management
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 15
1 Completing the classes O
Materiały metaliczne
Lectures: 30
Laboratory classes: 30
Seminars: 15
4 Exam O
Protection against corrosion
Lectures: 30
Laboratory classes: 30
3 Exam O
Materiały i technologie
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 30
16 Completing the classes O

Summer semester, 2019/2020

Course Number of hours ECTS credits Form of verification
Materials from renevable sources
Seminars: 30
3 Completing the classes O
Advanced Materials Research Methods
Lectures: 30
Laboratory classes: 30
5 Completing the classes O
Lectures: 30
Project classes: 30
5 Exam O
Surface engineering
Lectures: 30
3 Completing the classes O
Ścieżki dyplomowania, semestr 1
Total number of contact hours: 150
10 Completing the classes O
Advanced Ceramic Materials Engineering
Lectures: 45
Seminars: 15
4 Exam O

Winter semester, 2020/2021

Course Number of hours ECTS credits Form of verification
Przedmiot specjalistyczny(Sf) -semestr zimowy II st. sudiów
Seminars: 30
2 Completing the classes O
Foreign Language
Total number of contact hours: 30
2 Exam O
Inżynieria materiałów funkcjonalnych
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
4 Exam O
Diploma Seminar
Seminars: 30
2 Completing the classes O
Ścieżki dyplomowania, semestr 2
Lectures: 30
Laboratory classes: 75
Seminars: 30
8 Exam O
Struktura, a funkcja materiałów
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
4 Exam O
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 15
2 Completing the classes O
Diploma Thesis
Practical classes: 15
- Completing the classes O
Przedmiot obieralny z obszaru nauk humanistycznych i społecznych
Lectures: 30
3 Completing the classes O
Design and physics of egineering materials
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 30
3 Completing the classes O

Summer semester, 2020/2021

Course Number of hours ECTS credits Form of verification
Diploma Seminar
Seminars: 30
3 Completing the classes O
Specialized seminar
Seminars: 30
2 Completing the classes O
Management of production, services and personnel
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
2 Completing the classes O
Diploma Thesis
Diploma Thesis: 0
20 Completing the classes O
Przedmiot obieralny anglojęzyczny(Df) - semestr letni II s
Seminars: 30
3 Completing the classes O