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2021/2022 Stacjonarne Prowadzone w językach obcych Generic subjects

Humanities and social courses for second-cycle degree programme - in Polish

Course Number of hours ECTS credits Form of verification
Anatomia zła
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Professional self improvement
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 15
2 Completing the classes W
Co ludzie pamiętają a co zapominają z przeszłości i dlaczego?
Discussion seminars: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Czy jestem Geo?
Lectures: 30
Project classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Ekologia człowieka
Lectures: 30
Project classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Etyka w sztucznej inteligencji
Discussion seminars: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Finance and insurance
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Main Trends of Popular Music
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Jak zrozumieć muzykę? Podstawy analizy dzieła muzycznego
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Who is the man? Contemporary controversy
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Creating the image of manager
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
International Capital Investments
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Myślenie krytyczne. Współczesne wyzwania kultury i cywilizacji
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Corporate governance
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Najciekawsze eksperymenty psychologiczne wszechczasów
Discussion seminars: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Nieruchomość jako inwestycja
Lectures: 15
Practical classes: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Modern marketing activities
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Przedsiębiorstwo w gospodarce globalnej
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
2 Completing the classes W
Sociology and work organisation
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
World-building in Video Games
Lectures: 30
Workshop classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Transhumanizm – perspektywy technologicznego usprawniania człowieka
Lectures: 15
Discussion seminars: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Recruitment workshops
Workshop classes: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Współczesne systemy polityczne
Lectures: 15
Discussion seminars: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Zarządzanie międzynarodowym portfelem IF
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Organizations management
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Work processes management
Lectures: 30
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Zarządzanie rozwojem startupu
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Zarządzanie w gospodarce cyfrowej
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Zrównoważona turystyka
Lectures: 30
Project classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W

Course Number of hours ECTS credits Form of verification
Blank spots in Polish history. Disputes and controversies
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Text data analysis
Discussion seminars: 30
2 Completing the classes W
The Anthropology of Everyday Life. From Birth to Death
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 15
2 Completing the classes W
Professional self improvement
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 15
2 Completing the classes W
Człowiek wobec nowoczesnych technologii. Refleksja socjologiczna
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Data mining in social and economic analyses
Laboratory classes: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Philosophical counselling and coaching
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Ekonomia wartości i wpływ społeczny - zarządzanie prawdziwym projektem
Project classes: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Finance and insurance
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Main Trends of Popular Music
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Communication and design thinking
Workshop classes: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Criminology with criminalistics elements
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Creating the image of manager
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
International Capital Investments
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Corporate governance
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Nieruchomość jako inwestycja
Lectures: 15
Practical classes: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Modern marketing activities
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 30
3 Completing the classes W
The role of music within a movie
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
From Tolkien to Brown. XX and XXI centuary popular literature
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Organization and business management
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Fundamentals of financial accounting for prospective engineers
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Projektowanie i prowadzenie szkoleń
Workshop classes: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Przedsiębiorczość społeczna
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Przedsiębiorstwo w gospodarce globalnej
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
2 Completing the classes W
Business psychology
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Psychologia reklamy i marketingu
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Specjalistyczne źródła informacji
Discussion seminars: 4
1 Completing the classes W
Substancje psychoaktywne – wspaniała zabawa czy śmiertelne niebezpieczeństwo?
Lectures: 15
Discussion seminars: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Recruitment workshops
Workshop classes: 30
3 Completing the classes W
A prison and its secret life
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 30
3 Completing the classes W
Współczesne społeczeństwo polskie
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Zarządzanie międzynarodowym portfelem IF
Lectures: 15
Laboratory classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Work processes management
Lectures: 30
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Zarządzanie rozwojem startupu
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Zarządzanie w gospodarce cyfrowej
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W
Knowledge management and learning organisations
Lectures: 30
2 Completing the classes W
Przedsiębiorczość korporacyjna
Lectures: 15
Auditorium classes: 15
3 Completing the classes W